New Video Series Demystifies the Liberal Arts

February 02, 2024
A screenshot of a YouTube video featuring a SUA student talking during the new "Concentrations" video series.

The new “Concentrations” video series highlights students from each of Soka’s five concentrations: Environmental Studies, Humanities, Life Sciences, International Studies, and Social and Behavioral Science. The term “liberal arts” often leads to confusion, prompting us to initiate this series. Our goal is to clarify the essence of our liberal arts curriculum and showcase the impact of education through the stories of our students. Check out the video series below!

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies Thumbnail showing two male students laughing on campus


Humanities thumbnail showing two students talk on campus

International Studies

International Studies thumbnail showing two students talking on campus

Life Sciences

Life Sciences thumbnail showing two students talking on campus

Social and Behavioral Sciences Concentration

Social and Behavioral Sciences thumbnail showing two students laughing on campus


Undeclared thumbnail showing two students talking on campus