Faculty News
Shane Barter – Associate Professor of Comparative Politics
Professor Shane Barter and the Pacific Basin Research Center hosted the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS) meeting last month here at SUA! Attracting 150 participants from a range of universities and academic disciplines, the conference featured 30 panels and a keynote speech by AAS President Anne Feldhaus. The event’s success is owed to many wonderful colleagues from across campus. Dr. Barter was then invited to participate in a multi-day roundtable discussion at the University of Victoria on “Nationalism and Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia”.
Esther Chang - Professor of Psychology
Esther Chang is delighted to announce the publication of a brief report entitled, “The relative importance of parent-child dynamics and minority stress on the psychological adjustment of LGBs in China” in the Journal of Counseling Psychology. This article was first-authored by Jianmin Shao (Class of 2017) and is based on his . Jianmin is currently pursuing doctoral studies at UCI and continues to collaborate with Esther on new research on the life goals of sexual minorities and the body image of women across cultures.
Ryan Ashley Caldwell – Associate Professor of Sociology
Ryan Ashley Caldwell has been voted in by the sexualities section of the American Sociological Association to be the media liaison and public engagement liaison for 2018-2020.
Junyi Liu – Assistant Professor of Economics
Junyi Liu’s paper titled “Systemic financial risk and macroeconomic activity in China” (collaborated work and corresponding authored) was accepted and published by Journal of Economics and Business. It is currently in press and also available .
Another paper titled “Bureaucratic Personnel System and Regional Economic Growth Synchronization: An Empirical Study in China” was accepted by Western Economic Association 15th International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, March 21-24, 2019.
Both of the above research projects are partially funded by the Pacific Basin Research Center at SUA, which he is very grateful for the financial support; and it is also acknowledged in the publication.