Councilman Ross Chun Treats Students to a Festive Ice Skating Experience

Aliso Viejo City Councilman Ross Chun contacted Associate Dean of Students and Director of Student Activities Michelle Hobby over the winter break and said he wanted to fulfill a promise he had made to SUA students. During a tour of Aliso Viejo last August, Chun explained, he promised to take them ice skating in the future.

Excited to do something fun for students who did not travel home for the winter break, Chun took 44 students ice skating at Aliso Viejo Ice Palace near SUA. Although many of the students had never ice skated before, by the end of the two-hour experience, most were confident enough to venture beyond the rink’s perimeter wall and skate into the center.
“It was my first time ice skating,” said Abdul Alim Fatawu ’26. “Although I fell three times, I was finally able to skate slowly without needing any support. It was fun and nice to really connect with other students during the break and meet Ross Chun.”