In the days following university founder Daisaku Ikeda’s passing last year, SUA President Ed Feasel reminded the campus community that students were Ikeda’s greatest treasure and that “he had deep conviction that they would be champions of peace, moving the arc of history from one of war to peaceful coexistence.”
It was fitting, then, that the SUA Founding Spirit Celebration, held on November 15 to commemorate the first anniversary of Ikeda’s passing, was led by students. Organized by the Writing of Daisaku Ikeda Club, the event celebrated Ikeda’s life and educational legacy, inspiring attendees to carry on his vision for the future.
Distinguished guest speakers Feasel and SUA Board Trustee Matilda Buck shared personal stories of their interactions with Ikeda that highlighted his warmth, consideration for others, and expectations for young people to take the lead in building a more just and peaceful world.
As a testament to Ikeda’s enduring impact, SUA students shared reflections on how they intend to carry on his legacy, embodying his vision of a peaceful and compassionate world. Here are some of their perspectives, captured alongside their portraits.